Sustainability Management
Sustainability has always been a top priority for Impro Group, and we are proactive in meeting the requirements and expectations of our various stakeholders. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are constantly improving our sustainability governance system to ensure that we maintain high standards of environmental, social and governance practices. Since 2020, we have established a four-tier, top-down sustainability structure comprising the Board, the Sustainability Committee, the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Working Group and ESG Accountable Officers across all plants and divisions. The Board serves as the leader of Impro Group’s sustainability efforts and is ultimately responsible for the Group’s sustainability strategy, policies and performance. Under the supervision of the Board, we have established a Sustainability Committee to develop the Group’s strategic framework for sustainability. As the highest governance body of Impro, the Board is also ultimately responsible for the implementation and execution of the Climate Risk Management Programme. They guide lmpro’s key climate governance initiatives and provide direction for the Company’s development in this key area.
The Company seeks to implement economic and socially balanced development strategies.
We continuously explore various ways to improve environmental protections procedures, technological advancements, employee development and community welfare, in order to assist in the advancement of the community while maintaining sustainable economic development. We are implementing higher standards of sustainable development governance by establishing new strategies and control measures to be enforced by the Sustainability Committee.
The Committee’s main responsibilities include
To review, formulate and endorse sustainability standards, priorities and goals;

Supervise the development and implementation of sustainability strategies, policies and practices;

To oversee, review and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of implementation targets and measures;

To review the Company’s public reporting on sustainable development matters and make recommendations to the Board.
We established strategies, frameworks and policies that meet the Company’s sustainability goals, strategic decisions on development management and supervise the implementation of these decisions by establishing the Sustainability Committee. We put in place an efficient corporate governance structure to achieve our sustainability vision, safeguard the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders, continuously enhance corporate value and management transparency and further improve our corporate efficiency and governance capabilities.