Efficiency Unleashed: The Advantages of Hydraulic Orbital Motors in Industrial Applications - Impro Precision


Efficiency Unleashed: The Advantages of Hydraulic Orbital Motors in Industrial Applications

September 4th, 2024

Manufacturing involves moving, shaping, and processing material. Most of this is done with motors, and in situations that need high torque, high force, and low speed, hydraulic orbital motors are often the best choice.

This blog is for anyone who needs to move heavy loads or transfer high forces in an industrial setting. After reviewing what separates the hydraulic orbital design from other types of motor, it discusses their advantages and where they are especially beneficial.

Electric Vs. Hydraulic Motors

Most motors used in industry are electric. These combine magnetism and electric current to generate a force that produces motion. Motors can use AC or DC power, and when designed for AC can be either single or three-phase.

Electric motors have a rated speed that yields the highest efficiency. In the case of AC motors running on 60 Hz power, this is typically close to 1,800 rpm. They can be run slower using variable frequency drives (VFDs), but efficiency drops dramatically. The alternative is to put a reduction drive between the motor and the point at which the motion is needed, which adds complexity and expense.

Hydraulic motors use fluid pressure and flow to generate rotary motion. In principle, they are like pumps running in reverse. Hydraulic motors are generally very quiet. They offer high power density and can turn at low speeds. As with pumps, there are several types of hydraulic motor mechanism, most using either pistons or gears.

Hydraulic Orbital Motor Basics

A hydraulic orbital motor gets its name from the way the eccentric output shaft rolls around, or orbits, the inner surface of a ring gear. This type of gear motor uses a gerotor design where fluid flow and pressure turn an inner gear inside the ring.

A difference in the number of inner and outer gear teeth creates a reduction ratio while fluid acting on the inner teeth generates force. The result is a lot of torque from a compact, rugged and reliable motor.

Advantages of the Hydraulic Orbital Motor Design

The hydraulic orbital motor is a “high torque, low speed” design. These motors are inherently very small relative to their output. They provide smooth, quiet motion, and are controlled by adjusting fluid parameters. They can be reversed or held in a fixed position without a brake.

Hydraulic orbital motors are extremely durable, even when placed into hot, wet or dirty environments like foundries or quarries. A particular advantage is their ability to absorb impacts and sudden spikes in load, as when material is dropped onto a conveyor belt.

Industrial Applications of Hydraulic Orbital Motors

The unique characteristics of hydraulic orbital motors makes them the best choice for a range of applications needing high torque and low speed. These generally involve turning screws and powering conveyors.

Screw applications exist in injection molding machines in particular, and also in die casting equipment. In these, a screw mechanism is used to apply force to close the dies, and hold them closed. Hydraulic orbital motors are capable of the low speed and high torque needed.

In addition, injection molding machines use an auger to move polymer material through a heating zone and into the mold cavity. Again, their low speed and high torque make hydraulic orbital motors the ideal choice.

Augers have other industrial uses, particularly for material handling. This is also a good application for hydraulic orbital motors.

Belt conveyors, especially those carrying heavy loads over long distances, are another use. Here the motor handles start-up conditions well and can tolerate the sudden load spikes caused by dropping material onto the belt.

Reliable Torque for Industrial Applications

Hydraulic orbital motors are a good choice in industrial applications that need high force or torque and low speed. Other beneficial characteristics, besides being rugged and durable, include the ability to hold in position and reversible rotation.

Impro Fluidtek manufactures a range of hydraulic orbital motors with several models that are ideal for the industrial applications described here. If you have a need for high torque, low speed rotary motion, and would like to avoid the complexities of electric power, one of these might be your best option. Contact us to learn more.


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